Our Team
Head of Business Development – Having worked in the textile industry for over 20 years has a strong understanding of the needs of European and global buyers. Starting in textile sourcing for large European retailers, as ahead of the company he is involved in fabric development, mill identification, price negotiation, and supply chain management and marketing. Moving into the retail sector, he is involved in setting up and driving a fashion retail business to cover both retailing and a brand sales agency for a number of fashion brands. With the onset of the technology boom, he moved in to consult a number of technology start-ups related to the textile and garment industry. His experience encompasses buying office operational garment production on a large scale with well-qualified factories.
His experience ranges from the factory to buying and liaison offices with an acute understanding of quality assurance issues and processes.
Merchandise Team – Our team of merchandisers handles the day-to-day running of your business needs. They facilitate the flow of information between the client and the factory ensuring that everything keeps to a clear critical path set out for each order. Our merchandise team is highly trained with years of working experience. Merchandise teams are assigned and dedicated to individual clients.
Production & Quality Control – A fundamental part of the operations is to ensure the quality of the merchandise being bought and produced. Our Quality Assurance team works on a day-to-day basis with the factories to ensure they meet key critical production timelines as well as ensure that the quality of production is to the desired level. In addition, we take great care in ensuring that our factories follow ethical standards in employment and follow key ecological standards in their production from fabric, trims, and accessories, to dying processes and final production. All goods shipped pass essential AZO FREE status and reach standards. We also follow social compliance: Vesture Sourcing follows the European/American market rules by having a restrictive ethics company policy.
All employees have to be older than 18 years Local environmental, social, and labor laws are strictly implemented. All productions are done due to Total Quality Management Systems A very strict confidential policy in which all designs of clients are strictly protected-right from sampling to the production stage.